Situated far south in Mexico, the culturally rich state of Oaxaca is one of the leading producers of handcrafted artwork. Although known for their unusual Barro Negro Pottery, black clay pottery with a semi gloss finish, there is second type of pottery that is seldom seen but highly in demand due to their Mediterranean style and extreme durability. Initially used as water catchers, their durability starts with the type of composition within the clay that allows it to bake at higher temperatures compared to their counterparts in Guadalajara and Guanajuato. This allows the pottery to dry faster, not holding so much moisture. In addition to their durability, their Mediterranean style is due to a lack of finish (paint job). Instead, the pottery is left natural, with the only color due to the baking process. They are not very complex pottery, but it allows them to be a supporting actor to the real star, that being whatever you plant in them.
Oaxaca Pottery
This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 and is filed under Art,Clay Pottery,Decor,Home and Garden,Mexican Pottery,Mexico,Oaxaca,Oaxaca Pottery,Old World Pottery,Outdoors,Pottery,Wichita Falls,Wichita Falls TX. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.