Halloween, also known as All Hallows’ Eve, is a yearly holiday observed all around the world. A typical Halloween includes trick or treating, decorations, costumes, parties, and more. Even though this happens every year, it’s still a memorable holiday you can share with friends and family. Kids in either store bought costumes or even hand made costumes go door to door asking for candy by saying “trick or treat.” However, they don’t go to any home, they go to the house with the most Halloween decorations. They know that whoever’s inside will have the best treats because they love Halloween. A house can say it all. One of the greatest symbols of Halloween appears on almost every Halloween lover’s lawn: a Jack-o-lantern. A fun, family tradition is started when they first pick a pumpkin together. Carving funny or even scary faces on the pumpkin makes it a memorable holiday. Even if a family doesn't have real pumpkins though, they still find a way to pick that perfect jack-o-lantern. Buying one doesn't make it less memorable, there is still a feeling of togetherness and knowing that they picked it out together.
This entry was posted on Thursday, September 27, 2012 and is filed under Art,Colorful,Decor,Halloween,Home and Garden,Jack-O-Lantern,Jack-O-Lanterns,Metal Art Work,Old World Pottery,Old World Pottery of Wichita Falls,outdoor decor,Pumpkin,Pumpkins,Skulls. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.